Running Appium Paralelly by Using XML

2024-06-03 75 0

xml-parallel-testing Running Appium tests in parallel can significantly speed up the testing process, especially when you have a large suite of tests. To achieve this, you can use a test framework like TestNG in combination with an XML configuration file to define and manage parallel execution. Here's a step-by-step guide to running Appium tests in parallel using TestNG and an XML configuration file:

1. Setting Up Your Project

Ensure you have the necessary dependencies in your pom.xml (if you're using Maven):

2. Writing Your Test Class

Create a test class that defines your Appium tests. Each test method can represent a different test case. Here’s a simple example:

3. Configuring TestNG XML for Parallel Execution

Create a testng.xml file to configure TestNG to run tests in parallel. This file allows you to define how many threads to use and specify the test classes.   In this example:
  • parallel="tests" specifies that tests should run in parallel.
  • thread-count="2" specifies the number of threads to use for parallel execution.


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4. Running Your Tests

You can run your tests using the TestNG command-line interface or through an IDE that supports TestNG. To run from the command line, use: This command tells Maven to use the testng.xml configuration file for running the tests.

Tips for Parallel Execution

  • Ensure Appium server is ready: Make sure you have Appium servers running on different ports for each parallel execution instance.
  • Unique Device Configurations: If you are running tests on multiple devices/emulators, ensure each test configuration points to a unique device.
  • Thread Safety: Ensure your test code is thread-safe, especially if you have shared resources.
By following these steps, you can efficiently run your Appium tests in parallel, significantly reducing the overall test execution time.

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