ios testing

Understanding iOS XCUItest: A Guide and Simple Tutorial

Introduction Automated testing is an essential aspect of modern app development, ensuring that applications function correctly and efficiently. For iOS app development, Apple provides a robust testing framework known as XCTest, which includes the XCUItest module for UI testing. In this blog, we'll explore what XCUItest is and provide a simple tutorial to get you started with UI testing for your iOS apps. What is XCUItest? XCUItest is a UI testing framework provided by Apple that allows developers to write tests for the user interface of their iOS applications. It…

Getting Started with Appium iOS Testing: Basic Desired Capabilities

In the realm of mobile application testing, Appium stands out as a versatile and robust tool for automating applications across various platforms, including iOS. Leveraging Appium for iOS testing can streamline the process of ensuring your app's functionality and performance. This guide will walk you through the basics of starting iOS testing with Appium, focusing on setting up and configuring basic desired capabilities. What is Appium? Appium is an open-source tool for automating mobile applications on Android and iOS platforms. It allows testers to write tests using any language supported…

Mastering XCUIElement Identification for iOS Using Appium Inspector

In the world of mobile test automation, Appium stands out as a versatile tool for both Android and iOS platforms. When it comes to iOS, finding and interacting with UI elements can be particularly challenging due to the complexities of Apple's UI framework. This is where Appium Inspector comes into play, providing a powerful interface to identify and interact with XCUIElement objects. In this blog, we will explore how to use Appium Inspector to find XCUIElement identifiers for your iOS application, enabling you to write robust and effective test scripts.…

Differences Appium and XCTest iOS Testing

When it comes to automated testing of iOS applications, developers and QA engineers have several tools at their disposal. Two of the most prominent tools are Appium and XCTest. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different testing needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the key differences between Appium and XCTest to help you determine which tool is best for your project.   Overview of Appium Appium is an open-source, cross-platform test automation tool that allows you to write tests for mobile applications on both…

Basics of Webdriveragent Appium iOS testing

About WebdriverAgent  Webdriver agent (WDA)  is an open-source project used for iOS automation testing by Appium. This project is responsible for actions ie. clicking, swiping, tapping. Initially started by Facebook (Github link), the project has been archived, and now the Appium team continues development in a new repo. We strongly recommend both installing WebDriverAgent manually before iOS testing and Appium WDA configuration. That is why Appium will attempt to install its own WDA inside node modules appium-xcuitest-driver/node_modules/appium-webdriveragent. So that, you have to configure WDA (the same steps of manual configuration)…